Show Up

January Intention.png

The start of a new year is always exciting, but we can also put a lot of pressure on ourselves. We come up with resolutions, set new goals, and picture what we will look like or who we will be at the end of the year. Personally, I think it's really great to do those things, as long as we remember to break down the big picture into small, actionable, and, if possible, measurable tasks. Otherwise, we can start to feel overwhelmed and like the goal we have set isn't possible. Then, we give up before we've really given "it" a shot. If you can't tell, I've done this a time or two myself!

This year, and this month, remember that half the battle is showing up! Don't overthink it or wait for motivation - just show up. Then, go from there one step at a time.

Need tips for how to show up? We’ve got them for you here!