Modifying Down Dog


Downward facing dog helps to build strength in your arms and legs while also stretching your shoulders and the back of your legs. This is also what makes down dog difficult. Here are ways that you can modify down dog so that you're not straining while still getting all of the benefits.

Here are times when you may want to consider modifying down dog and how:

1. If you have tight hamstrings/calves, bend your knees as much as you need to and continue to lift your hips toward the ceiling. Over time, you can work on straightening your legs little by little. But remember, the goal of the pose isn't to have straight legs - it's to feel the stretch through the back of your legs.


2. If you have trouble lifting your hips and are in more of plank position, try walking your feet slightly closer toward you. I almost always bring my feet closer toward me for a more natural feeling down dog (if that's possible!). If you have trouble lifting your hips because the back of your legs are so tight, don't force down dog. Instead, take more of a table top position and extend one foot to the back of the mat. Press back so that you feel the stretch through the back of your leg. Alternate legs in the next down dog.


3. If you have wrist pain, try bringing your forearms onto the mat, with your elbows shoulder-width distance apart and your palms pressed down. This is technically called scorpion pose, but you will still get the same strength building and stretch benefits of down dog without the pressure on your wrists. You can also try bringing blocks below your hands in a traditional down dog position to take pressure off of your wrists.


4. If you have tight shoulders and down dog causes pain or you find that you cannot hold it for more than a few seconds, go into puppy pose or child's pose instead of down dog. You will get the stretch through your shoulders and can work into down dog over time.


There are other variations and modifications available for down dog. We shared the ones that we think would work best in our classes, but if you are interested in other variations or are looking for a way to modify down dog specifically for you, join class early or stay a couple of minutes late. We will find what works best for you! Of course, you can always send me an email, too!