Three-Legged Down Dog


Three-legged down dog is a great way to stretch your hamstrings and transition to stepping one foot forward. We include this pose in Endless Summer, Dawn Patrol, and Green Room. This pose isn’t about how high you lift your leg or foot; rather, it’s all about lengthening! Here are some key points to keep in mind the next time you are in three-legged down dog!

  • Keep your hips and shoulders square to the mat. If you notice you start to open toward the side of your lifted leg, lower your leg slightly until you can bring your shoulders and hips to face the mat.

  • Lift your leg in one unit rather than kicking your foot back and up. Keep your entire leg engaged through your glute and flex your foot toward the ground.

  • If you feel off-balance lifting one leg, try bringing your feet slightly closer together in down dog before you lift one leg.