Bound Angle Pose


Bound angle is another hip opener pose that we include in Dawn Patrol. We also include a reclined variation in Green Room. But just because it's a seated pose doesn't mean it's easy! You should feel the stretch through your hips and inner thighs when you're in this pose. Here are our tops tips for the next time you're in bound angle:

  • If you have tight hips, try adjusting the positioning of your feet further away from you. You can always bring your hands to your ankles instead of below your toes.

  • Keep your back flat. If you find that you're rounding forward, engage your core and bring your shoulders up and back. If you're rounding forward to interlace your fingers below your toes, bring your hands to your ankles instead.

  • For a deeper stretch through your hips, try leaning your upper body forward (keep your back flat). You can bring your elbows to your thighs to help as well. Don't force anything here, if you have any pinching sensations, slowly back off. See picture below.
