High Altitude Yoga II Breath Holds


High Altitude Yoga II is a one-of-a-kind class combining power yoga with Oxygen Advantage breath hold techniques. Breath holds in this class range from 5 to 10 seconds. Here are our top tips for breath holds:

  1. If you find that holding your breath on a full exhale is difficult, take a normal exhale before your next breath hold.

  2. If a 5- or 10-second breath hold is too much for you, resume breathing before the instructor cues it. Remember it’s your practice!

  3. Do you feel like air is seeping in through your nose during a breath hold? Try pinching your nose next time.

  4. If a 10-second breath hold on a full exhale starts to feel easy for you, talk to us before or after class for techniques that you can work on implementing to continue challenging yourself, safely.

If you’re pregnant, have respiratory issues/any serious health condition, or are prone to panic attacks, please don’t hold your breath in this class. Instead, focus on controlling your breathing and breathing through your nose as we hold each pose.