Start Now

November Intention.png

November and December seem to fly by. There’s a lot going on, a lot to look forward to, and of course, the anticipation of a new start on January 1! We usually wait until January 1 to set resolutions and new goals, but why not start now?! This month, we’re doing something a little different - we’re inviting you to take action on your intention.

Instead of planning to start the new year “right”, let’s end this year right! That way, when January 1 rolls around you are already taking action on your “resolution.” On a personal level, what do you want next year to look like? Maybe you want to make more time for family activities, exercise regularly, stay connected with friends, or get outside more often. Whatever it is, what action can you start now to make that a reality?

Personally, I want to read more. It’s a great way to continue learning and relax! And to help me make this an actionable item, I’m going to read one book a month. That feels like a pretty attainable goal and something I can start today, even if it’s just for 10 minutes.

So, what are you going to start today to end the year right?! If you’re up for it, share your “resolution” and how you’re going to start now. We’ll cheer you on along the way!