Garland Pose


Garland pose (or yogi squat) is one of our favorite stretching poses - it stretches the hips, thighs, groin, and ankles. It can be a challenging pose if you are particularly tight though. Here are a couple tips to help:

  • If your heels don’t stay flat on the mat, place a rolled up towel behind them to bring the floor closer to you.

  • You can also bring the floor closer to you by placing a block beneath your glutes.

  • Usually this pose starts in a standing position. Try working on it from the floor - come to a seated position with your legs in front of you in the shape of a V. Sit with your back straight and core engaged. Start to bring your legs toward you by bending at your knees and bringing the soles of your feet onto the mat. Only bring your legs in as far as you can with a flat back. Bring your elbows to the inside of your knees or thighs for a deeper stretch.