

Eagle is one of our favorite balancing poses because it requires deep concentration and fires up your legs and arms! We also love that this pose is accessible to everybody given the right modification/variation. Did you know that you don’t have to wrap your arms, your elbows can be at different heights given your range of motion, or that your toes don’t have to be hind your calf? Here are our top three tips for eagle:

  1. If you’re off balance, try sinking deeper into the imaginary chair behind you. This seems counter-intuitive, but lowering just an inch (or two!) more can help you find your center of balance better. You can also try changing surfaces (step off of your mat onto the bare floor) and finding a focal point in front of you to focus your gaze (these are great tips for any balancing pose).

  2. If you have tight shoulders, reach for opposite shoulders or forearms instead of wrapping your forearms. If you're feeling off-balance, keep both feet on the ground in chair rather than crossing one leg over the other. Keep your hips and shoulders square to the front of the room. Focus on proper alignment first before trying to go further (this helps you to avoid unnecessarily hurting yourself as well).

  3. If you would like to feel a stretch through your shoulders and upper back, work on bringing your elbows in line with your shoulders and gently moving your hands away from your face.

If you fall out of the pose, laugh it off and try again! That’s the beauty of yoga after all - its a continual practice!