Mountain Pose


We're going back to basics this week (because basics should never be thought of as "just basic")! Mountain pose, or tadasana, is the foundation for standing poses. If your mountain is a little off balance it can throw the rest of your practice off balance too. Here are some tips for a sturdy mountain:

1. Stand with your feet hip with distance apart (that is about two fists distance between your feet). If you feel very sturdy here, you can bring your big toes to touch small space between your heels.

2. Root through the four corners of your feet - imagine four points on the sole of your foot. Two on either ends of your heel and two on either ends of the ball of your foot. Really ground down through your mat.

3. Engage your legs. Your thigh muscles should be firm

4. Stand tall with the crown of your head pointing toward the ceiling. You should have a natural curve to your spine.

5. Pull your shoulders down and away from your ears, palms facing forward.

6. Gaze forward.

If you find yourself off balance during your practice, come back to this pose and reset. Use this time to clear your mind and any discouragement and remember you are strong!