

Boat is a challenging core-strengthening pose that you'll practice in Dawn Patrol. Use these tips and tricks to help persist through our boat series!

1. Engage your core! Yes, this tip again. But it is especially important here. Think of pulling up and in, engaging through your pelvic floor. (If you think of your core as a box, the pelvic floor is the bottom and is what helps keep your organs and pelvis in place.)

2. Balance on your sit bones and keep your back flat with your head and neck in a neutral position.

3. Don't be afraid to take a different variation of boat!

  • If you have abdominal separation, skip boat altogether and talk to your physician about appropriate alternatives (I can recommend a few, but it's always best to talk with a doctor!).

  • If you're rounding through your back or feel off-balance or are simply working on building core strength, keep your feet on the ground. Then, work on lifting your feet but keep your knees bent (hands can stay behind your knees). See pictures 2 and 3 below for examples.

You can always work on straightening your legs, but you'll still get the same great benefits of the pose with these variations!

Boat with feet on the mat

Boat with feet on the mat

Boat with knees bent

Boat with knees bent