Crow (+ Blocks and Straps)

Crow is a really fun and challenging arm balance that we give you the option to practice in Green Room and High Altitude Yoga II. One reason that I love crow is that you can keep both feet on the ground and still get that "flying" feeling by shifting a little more weight into your arms and gazing forward.

Whether your feet are on the ground or lifted, our biggest tip is to continue to hug into your center line throughout the pose. This means keeping your arms and legs engaged, pulling them in toward one another rather than letting them flair out to the sides. Also, keep your gaze forward. This will help keep your center of gravity further back, and if you do fall, you are more likely to fall backward than on your head! Blocks and straps can offer great assistance in this pose as well. (Oh! And if your knees keep sliding off of your arms, yoga pants or long sleeves can help create more grip. A towel over your arms can help too!)



Your hands and elbows should be shoulder-width distance apart in crow, with your elbows pointing directly behind you. For each arm, imagine that your shoulder,  elbow, and wrist are all on the same plane. If your elbows tend to flair out in this pose it can make it hard to keep your knees on the back of your triceps.

Use a D-ring strap or any strap that makes a secure loop to help keep your arms in place! Make the loop shoulder-width distance and bring your arms through the strap, securing the strap just above your elbows before you move into the pose. You'll have a more solid foundation for taking flight!



Lifting your hips toward the ceiling helps you start to bring your knees toward your triceps. If you find that you can't bring your hips up high enough or if you don't feel comfortable lifting your feet off of the ground, use a block to help!

Bring a block to the center of the mat (shortest height). Place your hands on the mat shoulder-width distance apart about one to two feet in front of the block and then step onto the block. You can stay here and see what if feels like to have your hips lifted higher and feet further off of the mat!

Some people suggest using a block beneath your forehead for support and to keep you from falling forward. If you're nervous about falling forward (who isn't!) and practicing at home, we suggest using a pillow(s) or couch cushion below you to help give you a softer landing in case you do fall. This way you can keep your gaze forward and still have that added layer of comfort.
