Humble Warrior


Humble Warrior offers a wide variety of benefits, but the most noticeable are strengthening your legs and stretching your shoulders and chest. This pose is great after a long day behind the desk or sitting. You'll find Humble Warrior in our Dawn Patrol class! Here are our top tips for the next time you try this pose:

1. Keep your palms pressed into one another as you lift your hands toward the ceiling. You may not be able to lift your hands as high, but you'll get a deeper stretch through your shoulders without overextending.

2. Keep your chest squared toward the mat. While the goal is to bring your shoulder to the inside of your front knee, if you notice that you're rotating open, bring your shoulder just above your knee without placing weight from your upper body onto your front leg.

3. If your shoulders are really tight, use a strap or a small hand towel to make the connection between your hands. Over time, you can bring your hands closer together as your shoulders open.