Crescent Moon Lunge (Low Lunge)

Crescent Moon Lunge.png

Low lunge, also referred to as crescent moon lunge in our classes, is a great pose to help stretch your hip felxors, plus it can help warm your spine up for backbends. Here are our top tips for the next time you try this pose:

1. Keep your front knee in line with your ankle. Adjust the position of your front foot to find the stretch that works best for you. If you have tight hip flexors, bring your front foot closer toward you. You may start with both legs at a 90 degree angle and that is completely OK! If you need a deeper stretch, move your front foot forward.

2. Untuck your back toes and press the top of your foot into the mat. This will help keep your back leg engaged for a fuller stretch. (Note - if you have knee pain, place a towel or fold your mat once below your knee to provide additional support.)

3. The backbend portion of this pose is optional! If you have lower back pain, focus on the hip flexor stretch and keep your gaze forward with your hands in line with your hips. If you are including the slight backbend, try to avoid compressing your lower back. Keep your core engaged by pulling your belly button toward your spine as you reach up and back. For a deeper backbend, you can turn your gazed toward your fingertips.

(4. Note to myself: Wear different colored pants from my mat when taking pictures for tips & tricks!) ;)

If you are up for a challenge, try moving from crescent moon lunge (without the backbend) to high lunge by tucking your back toes and using the strength of your leg to lift up.