Downward Facing Dog Split


Down dog split is a great way to stretch through the side of your body and hip. We include this pose in Dawn Patrol and High Altitude Yoga II just before pigeon pose (they are nice counter stretches to one another). Here are our top tips for the next time you’re working on down dog split:

  • Work to keep your shoulders squared to the mat. Let most of the movement come through your torso and lower body.

  • If you have tight shoulders and/or legs - try this pose from table top instead of down dog (see picture below). You'll still get the same stretch through your hips without straining the rest of your body to hold a three-legged down dog.

  • Work your lifted knee working toward the ceiling and your foot toward the opposite side of your body.

  • If you'd like a deeper stretch through the side of your body, turn your gaze under the opposite arm of the lifted leg.
