

Before we get started, here is how you pronounce Savasana - shah-VAH-sah-nah. We rarely use Sanskrit in classes, but we do for this pose because it sounds must better than "Corpse pose!" Savasana is the complete relaxation of the muscles in your body and the quieting of thoughts in your mind, which is what makes this pose more challenging than it may seem at first glance. Here are our top tips to help you relax your body and your mind:

1. Get comfortable! Don't be afraid to wiggle around a bit when you first get into the pose to get comfortable. Try widening your feet or moving your hands a little further away from your sides. Make any other adjustments/movements that help you to feel comfortable.

2. Count how long you inhale and exhale to bring your focus entirely to your breath and help other worries fall to the back of your mind. If that sounds like too much work, picture your favorite place to relax (e.g., beach, mountain, park) and imagine what you would see, hear, and smell.

3. Get really comfortable (best for an at-home practice)! Grab a few props, like pillows or couch cushions, a couple of yoga blocks, and a blanket or two. Set yourself up like you are in a recliner and allow your body to fully relax down (pictured below). Here's what I did: two pillows angled with a yoga block beneath my head/upper body + one pillow under either arm + one blanket folded under my knees = best Savasana ever!

Savasana Modification.png